So far this summer has been good but not very memorable. Today I'm hoping to change that tune! Barbie is coming over and I am determined to make Today special. I've been taking a lot of pictures lately and some have turned out pretty beautiful. I think photography is my favorite hobby! I've been listening to The The Chronicles Of Narnia on Audible, They are really good. I've listened to them before in the car driving to different places. But They're the kind of books you can't read to many times. Our band practice was canceled last Monday so our first one will be this Monday. I'm glad about it because we all need a lot more song practice. I like all the songs they chose but some of them are pretty hard. My brother has been having trouble finding the lead guitar parts on the internet, luckily I play cords so I don't have to mess with that stuff. Piano is probably the very easiest instrument you can learn. Because my part is so simple I'm going to try out for singing as well. I don't know if I'll be good enough but I'm going to try. My Mother said she might help me. I love to sing ,although I don't think I sing very well. I'm hoping that Barbie try's out for singing to, She should but I don't know if she will. I like it that I feel like I'm doing something. That I'm not just sitting around. Barbie will be here any minute so I'd better go. I'll post some new photos soon. Until then.....
