Am I the only one who thinks there is a red hair  bug going around? Every where I turn I see someone with red hair! My two best friends both recently died there hair red, as did a girl from on of my favorite blogs. I have always loved red hair ever since I first read Anne of Green Gables! I myself contemplated red hair for a while and I even attempted to die it(witch ended sadly). But  I think it probably was for the best anyway. I don't think red hair would suit me.  That urge has past but now I have a new one, burgundy hair! Why, you may ask ,would I want burgundy hair?  I really don't know, but I do quite badly! I am just weird that way..... I hope this urge passes quickly, because It is not likely I will ever be able to stray from my black hair. I don't exactly get why I am so against my black hair. I mean It never did me wrong and there are many people in the world who would love black hair, but for some reason  I have a mental block against it. I think perhaps it is because I know I can never choose anything else, because I know that any other hair color would look awful on me. I suppose I feel trapped! Trapped with black hair for the rest of my life till I'm old and grey. That must be it, and that is why I am trying to rebel from reality and dream of burgundy hair. I feel  that even if  I tried to die my hair a different color it would never change, no matter what I did it  would always remain it's dreadful black. I am awfully silly aren't I? Oh well, at least I am aware of it. I need to get it into my head that hair isn't as important as I make it out to be. It grows out and colors fade, and you'll never be completely satisfied with it, so why worry so much? 
sweet dreams...
