Today is a new day.....

You know I've been blogging for about three years now but I still have yet to really become part of the blogging world. It seems that whenever I'm board or have free time I never think of checking out other blogs. Isn't it weird that when your not board or your doing something you can think of a million things to do when your finished, but once boredom sets in you can't think of a single thing to do. Does that ever happen to you? Anyway, I was just thinking about being a blogger and having no one reading my blog and how I wished I had people to tell about it. the only subscribers I have are my mom my grandmother myself and one of my best friends. Of course I'm not even sure I would wan't people reading my blog. Whatever, I really just blog for the fun of it anyway, and because It gives me somewhere to record all the things I love!
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